




要約:制約式の包摂関係(subsumption relation)判定では、制約を構成するトークン列が同じというだけではダメで、C++ソースコード上での記述位置(=構文木におけるノード)の同一性が考慮される。こんなん分かる気がしない_(:3」∠)_


// C++2a(N4830)
#if コンセプト
template <typename T> concept C1 = true;  // #1
template <typename T> concept C2 = true;  // #2
#elif 変数テンプレート
template <typename T> inline constexpr bool C1 = true;
template <typename T> inline constexpr bool C2 = true;

// [A] 制約式C1<T> && C2<T>
template <typename T>
  requires C1<T> && C2<T>  // #3
constexpr int foo() { return 0; }

// [B] 制約式C1<T>
template <typename T>
  requires C1<T>           // #4
constexpr int foo() { return 1; }

foo<int>();  // ★ [A]/[B] or...?
C1, C2がコンセプト名の場合
制約式C1<T> && C2<T>は制約式C1<T>を包摂する(subsume)ため、より強く制約された(more constrained) 関数[A] が選択される。正規化(normalization)によって前者はtrue#1true#2に、後者はtrue#1となる。このとき原子制約(atomic constraint) true#1は “同一の式(the same expression)” から構成されるため、C1<T> && C2<T> subsume C1<T>という包摂関係が成立する。
C1, C2が非コンセプト名(テンプレート)の場合
制約式C1<T> && C2<T>と制約式C1<T>は互いに包摂関係になく、関数呼び出しのオーバーロード解決は曖昧となるためプログラムはill-formed。正規化(normalization)によって前者はC1<T>#3C2<T>#3に、後者はC1<T>#4となる。このとき原子制約C1<T>#3C1<T>#4は “同一の式(the same expression)” からは構成されておらず、無関係な制約式として解釈される。

原子制約の同一性(identical)判定基準は、Concepts TS時点の (PDF)P0717R1 Semantic constraint matching for concepts にて次のように説明される(下線部は強調)。

Equivalence during partial ordering
We propose to use a different model for determining whether two atomic constraints are equivalent. Tersely, we can describe this as follows: two atomic constraints are equivalent only if they originate from the same source-level construct.

メモ:C++20標準ライブラリ提供のコンセプト実装にて exposition only なコンセプトを多用しているのは、そのコンセプト名から期待される包摂関係が成り立つよう考慮した結果と思われる。

2019-09-11追記:P0717R1を実装したVisual Studio 2019 16.3 Preview 2で動作確認を行ったところ、上記解釈通りの実行結果「コンセプト名では[A]を選択/非コンセプト名ではオーバーロード解決が曖昧」が得られた。後者のエラー出力は下記の通り:

error C2668: 'foo': ambiguous call to overloaded function
message : could be 'int foo<int>(void)'
message : or       'int foo<int>(void)'
message : while trying to match the argument list '()'

2019-10-17追記:GCC 10.0.0 20191015(experimental)でも上記解釈通り動作することを確認。後者のエラー出力は下記の通り:

In function 'int main()':
error: call of overloaded 'f<int, int>()' is ambiguous
  |   return f<int, int>();
  |                      ^
note: candidate: 'constexpr int f() [with T = int; U = int]'
  | constexpr int f() { return 1; }  // #1
  |               ^
note: candidate: 'constexpr int f() [with T = int; U = int]'
  | constexpr int f() { return 2; }  // #2
  |               ^


N4830*1(C++2a WD), 13.4.3/p1-2, 13.4.4/p1-4,より一部引用(下線部は強調)。

1 An atomic constraint is formed from an expression E and a mapping from the template parameters that appear within E to template arguments involving the template parameters of the constrained entity, called the parameter mapping (13.4.2). [Note: Atomic constraints are formed by constraint normalization (13.4.3). E is never a logical AND expression (7.6.14) nor a logical OR expression (7.6.15). -- end note]
2 Two atomic constraints are identical if they are formed from the same expression and the targets of the parameter mappings are equivalent according to the rules for expressions described in

1 The normal form of an expression E is a constraint (13.4.1) that is defined as follows:

  • The normal form of an expression ( E ) is the normal form of E.
  • The normal form of an expression E1 || E2 is the disjunction ( of the normal forms of E1 and E2.
  • The normal form of an expression E1 && E2 is the conjunction of the normal forms of E1 and E2.
  • The normal form of an id-expression of the form C<A1, A2, ..., An>, where C names a concept, is the normal form of the constraint-expression of C, after substituting A1, A2, ..., An for C's respective template parameters in the parameter mappings in each atomic constraint. (snip)
  • The normal form of any other expression E is the atomic constraint whose expression is E and whose parameter mapping is the identity mapping.

2 The process of obtaining the normal form of a constraint-expression is called normalization. [Note: Normalization of constraint-expressions is performed when determining the associated constraints (13.4.1) of a declaration and when evaluating the value of an id-expression that names a concept specialization (7.5.4). -- end note]

1 A constraint P subsumes a constraint Q if and only if, for every disjunctive clause Pi in the disjunctive normal form132 of P, Pi subsumes every conjunctive clause Qj in the conjunctive normal form133 of Q, where

  • a disjunctive clause Pi subsumes a conjunctive clause Qj if and only if there exists an atomic constraint Pia in Pi for which there exists an atomic constraint Qjb in Qj such that Pia subsumes Qjb, and
  • an atomic constraint A subsumes another atomic constraint B if and only if the A and B are identical using the rules described in

[Example: Let A and B be atomic constraints ( The constraint A ∧ B subsumes A, but A does not subsume A ∧ B. The constraint A subsumes A ∨ B, but A ∨ B does not subsume A. Also note that every constraint subsumes itself. -- end example]
脚注132) A constraint is in disjunctive normal form when it is a disjunction of clauses where each clause is a conjunction of atomic constraints. (snip)
脚注133) A constraint is in conjunctive normal form when it is a conjunction of clauses where each clause is a disjunction of atomic constraints. (snip)

2 [Note: The subsumption relation defines a partial ordering on constraints. This partial ordering is used to determine

  • (snip)
  • the partial ordering of function templates (

-- end note]
3 A declaration D1 is at least as constrained as a declaration D2 if

  • D1 and D2 are both constrained declarations and D1's associated constraints subsume those of D2; or
  • D2 has no associated constraints.

4 A declaration D1 is more constrained than another declaration D2 when D1 is at least as constrained as D2, and D2 is not at least as constrained as D1. (snip)

2 Partial ordering selects which of two function templates is more specialized than the other by transforming each template in turn (see next paragraph) and performing template argument deduction using the function type. The deduction process determines whether one of the templates is more specialized than the other. If so, the more specialized template is the one chosen by the partial ordering process. If both deductions succeed, the partial ordering selects the more constrained template as described by the rules in 13.4.4.

§ [temp.constr.atomic]/p2 で言及される "the same expression" の解釈については、https://github.com/cplusplus/draft/issues/2554 が挙げられている。より明確化されたWordingへと変更されるかも。

2020-01-22追記:C++2a WD (PDF)N4842にて構文規則のフォントが変更され*2、言語仕様から本来の意図を読み取りやすくなった。



*2:N4843 Editors' Report: "The typeface used for grammar productions has been changed from italic to a slanted sans-serif font in order to distinguish grammar productions from defined terms."


C言語の可変引数リストアクセス用 va_arg マクロにおける奇妙な制限事項についてメモ。

va_argマクロの第二引数へ指定する型名には、“関数ポインタ型” や “配列へのポインタ型” を直接記述できない。ただしtypedefによる別名であればOK。こんなコード書くやつおらんやろ

#include <stdarg.h>

void f0(int x, ...)
  va_list ap;
  va_start(ap, x);
  // NG: 関数ポインタ型 int(*)(int) は直接指定できない
  int (*pf)(int) = va_arg(ap, int(*)(int));
  // NG: 配列へのポインタ型 int(*)[N] は直接指定できない
  int (*pa)[3] = va_arg(ap, int(*)[3]);

void f1(int x, ...)
  typedef int (*PF)(int), (*PA)[3];
  va_list ap;
  va_start(ap, x);
  // OK: typdefされた別名 PF ならば指定可能
  PF pf = va_arg(ap, PF);
  // OK: typdefされた別名 PA ならば指定可能
  PA pa = va_arg(ap, PA);

int h(int n);
int a[3];
f0(0, &h, &a);
f1(0, &h, &a);

C99 p1-2より一部引用(下線部は強調)。

#include <stdarg.h>
type va_arg(va_list ap, type);

The va_arg macro expands to an expression that has the specified type and the value of the next argument in the call. (snip) The parameter type shall be a type name specified such that the type of a pointer to an object that has the specified type can be obtained simply by postfixing a * to type. If there is no actual next argument, or if type is not compatible with the type of the actual next argument (as promoted according to the default argument promotions), the behavior is undefined, except for the following cases:

  • one type is a signed integer type, the other type is the corresponding unsigned integer type, and the value is representable in both types;
  • one type is pointer to void and the other is a pointer to a character type.

一見すると奇妙なこの制限は、va_argマクロの実装を考慮して設けられた。プリプロセッサでは単純なトークン列操作しか行えないため、型名に*を後置するだけで妥当なポインタ型名を生成できる必要がある。(PDF)C99 Rationaleより引用(下線部は強調)。 The va_arg macro
Changing an arbitrary type name into a type name which is a pointer to that type could require sophisticated rewriting. To allow the implementation of va_arg as a macro, va_arg need only correctly handle those type names that can be transformed into the appropriate pointer type by appending a *, which handles most simple cases. Typedefs can be defined to reduce more complicated types to a tractable form. When using these macros, it is important to remember that the type of an argument in a variable argument list will never be an integer type smaller than int, nor will it ever be float (see §

va_arg can only be used to access the value of an argument, not to obtain its address.

例:古の GCC 2.95.3*1 では下記マクロ定義となっていた(読みやすさのため簡略化している)

#define va_arg(AP, TYPE)  \
  (AP = (va_list) ((char *) (AP) + __va_rounded_size(TYPE)),  \
   *((TYPE *) ((char *) (AP) - __va_rounded_size(TYPE))))

/* __va_rounded_size(T) := sizeof(T)をsizeof(int)の倍数に切り上げ */

GCC 3.0以降*2LLVM/Clang*3では組み込み関数__builtin_va_argにより実装されるため、厳密に同制限を守らないコードでもコンパイルできてしまう。
VisualC++ 2017(MSVC 19.10)の場合、同制限に違反するコードは(一見すると不可解な)コンパイルエラーを引き起こすが、このMSVCの振る舞いはC言語仕様準拠といえる。



C++2a(C++20)標準ライブラリに導入される コンセプト(concept) の名前付けガイドラインについて。

2019年Cologne会合にて (PDF)P1754R1 が採択され、Ranges TS提案当初から PascalCase 形式で検討されていた命名規則から snake_case 形式へと変更された。これにより従来C++標準ライブラリとの一貫性は向上したが、その名前のみからはコンセプトなのかクラスやメタ関数*1なのかを判別しづらくなっている。*2


  • コンセプト名は snake_case 形式とする。
  • コンセプトを示す接頭辞(prefix)/接尾辞(suffix)は使わない。
  • コンセプトの目的に応じた3つのカテゴリ:特性(Capabilities)、抽象(Abstrations)、その他の述語(predicate)
  • 特性コンセプト(capability concept):ある関数/メンバ関数呼び出しが可能といった単一要件で構成される。
    • 特性コンセプトの名前は、その要件を説明する形容詞(adjective)とする。
    • 要求する特性が関数のとき、そのコンセプト名には関数名に-ible-able接尾辞をつけたものとする。例:swap可能を要求するswappable, コピー構築可能を要求するcopy_constructible
  • 抽象コンセプト(abstract concept):複数要件から構成されたりコンセプト構成のルートにあたるハイレベル・コンセプト。
    • 抽象コンセプトの名前は、新しい専門用語(terminology)を導入する名詞(noun)とする。例:forward_iterator(要件を列挙しただけのhas_increment_equality_and_dereferenceはNG)
    • 抽象コンセプトの名前は、同コンセプトを満たす型の名前よりも総称的(general)であること。
  • その他の述語コンセプト:下記に該当する場合は、型トレイツ(type traits)の命名規則に従う。ただしis_接頭辞はつけない。
    • 主に複数の型引数をとり型制約に利用されるときは、適切な前置詞(preposition)で終わる名前とする。例:swappable_with, same_as<int>, constructible_with<args>, sentinel_for<iterator>
    • 主に別コンセプトの定義やrequires節で利用されるときは、前置詞(preposition)は付けない。例:swappable, mergeable


*1:標準ヘッダ <type_traits> で提供される、ある型の特性(traits)をコンパイル時に判別するテンプレート関数群。

*2:P1754R1では変更根拠として、PascalCase はドメイン固有のエンティティ名として用いられるケースが多いことと、アプリケーションコードでの using namespace std; 利用によって生じる名前衝突回避を挙げている。

フライングWindows API待機関数

Windows APIタイムアウト指定待機関数では、指定期間よりも僅かに早くタイムアウト発生する。この振る舞いは仕様通り(by design)とのこと。

  • WaitForSingleObject, WaitForSingleObjectEx
  • WaitForMultipleObjects, WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
  • MsgWaitForMultipleObjects, MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
  • etc.

Windows OSのデフォルトタイマ割込間隔は 64 [Hz]=15.625 [msec] となっているため、平均的に数ミリ秒だけ早くタイムアウトが発生しうる。

Wait Functions and Time-out Intervals
The accuracy of the specified time-out interval depends on the resolution of the system clock. The system clock "ticks" at a constant rate. If the time-out interval is less than the resolution of the system clock, the wait may time out in less than the specified length of time. If the time-out interval is greater than one tick but less than two, the wait can be anywhere between one and two ticks, and so on.



nan("is Not-a-Number")

プログラミング言語C/C++における浮動小数点数 NaN(Not-a-Number)*1 について。

C/C++標準ライブラリはquiet NaN*2を返すnan関数を提供し、同関数では処理系定義(implementation-defined)のタグ文字列を受け取る。一般的には空文字列""を指定するが、ライブラリ仕様上は任意の文字列*3を指定可能。

// C
#include <math.h>
double d1 = nan("42");   // OK
double d2 = nan("wtf");  // OK
// C++
#include <cmath>
double d1 = std::nan("42");   // OK
double d2 = std::nan("wtf");  // OK

IEC 60559浮動小数点型のバイナリ表現は {符号S, 指数部E, 仮数T} の組で表され、指数部Eが全ビット1かつ仮数Tが非ゼロのとき NaN と解釈される。上記で指定するタグは仮数部(significand)ビット列*4に反映される。ただし、ISO C/C++およびIEC 60559いずれの仕様でもその意味を規定しないため、実動作は処理系に依存する。


#include <math.h>
double nan(const char *tagp);
float nanf(const char *tagp);
long double nanl(const char *tagp);

2 The call nan("n-char-sequence") is equivalent to strtod("NAN(n-char-sequence)", (char**) NULL); the call nan("") is equivalent to strtod("NAN()", (char**) NULL). If tagp does not point to an n-char sequence or an empty string, the call is equivalent to strtod("NAN", (char**) NULL). Calls to nanf and nanl are equivalent to the corresponding calls to strtof and strtold.

3 The expected form of the subject sequence is an optional plus or minus sign, then one of the following:

  • (snip)
  • NAN or NAN(n-char-sequenceopt), ignoring case in the NAN part, where:

    n-char-sequence digit
    n-char-sequence nondigit

4 (snip) A character sequence NAN or NAN(n-char-sequenceopt) is interpreted as a quiet NaN, if supported in the return type, else like a subject sequence part that does not have the expected form; the meaning of the n-char sequence is implementation-defined.293)(snip)
脚注293) An implementation may use the n-char sequence to determine extra information to be represented in the NaN's significand.

C99 (PDF)Rationale,より一部引用。 Characteristics of floating types <float.h>
The primary utility of quiet NaNs, as stated in IEC 60559, "to handle otherwise intractable situations, such as providing a default value for 0.0/0.0," is supported by C99.

Other applications of NaNs may prove useful. Available parts of NaNs have been used to encode auxiliary information, for example about the NaN’s origin. Signaling NaNs might be candidates for filling uninitialized storage; and their available parts could distinguish uninitialized floating objects. IEC 60559 signaling NaNs and trap handlers potentially provide hooks for maintaining diagnostic information or for implementing special arithmetics.

However, C support for signaling NaNs, or for auxiliary information that could be encoded in NaNs, is problematic. Trap handling varies widely among implementations. Implementation mechanisms may trigger signaling NaNs, or fail to, in mysterious ways. The IEC 60559 floating-point standard recommends that NaNs propagate; but it does not require this and not all implementations do. And the floating-point standard fails to specify the contents of NaNs through format conversion. Making signaling NaNs predictable imposes optimization restrictions that anticipated benefits don’t justify. For these reasons this standard does not define the behavior of signaling NaNs nor specify the interpretation of NaN significands. The strtod, strtof, and strtold functions
So much regarding NaN significands is unspecified because so little is portable. Attaching meaning to NaN significands is problematic, even for one implementation, even an IEC 60559 one. For example, the IEC 60559 floating-point standard does not specify the effect of format conversions on NaN significands. Conversions, perhaps generated by the compiler, may alter NaN significands in obscure ways.

IEEE 754 2.1, 6.2, 6.2.1より一部引用。

2.1 Definitions
payload: The diagnostic information contained in a NaN, encoded in part of its trailing significand field.

6.2 Operations with NaNs
Two different kinds of NaN, signaling and quiet, shall be supported in all floating-point operations. Signaling NaNs afford representations for uninitialized variables and arithmetic-like enhancements (such as complex-affine infinities or extremely wide range) that are not in the scope of this standard. Quiet NaNs should, by means left to the implementer's discretion, afford retrospective diagnostic information inherited from invalid or unavailable data and results. To facilitate propagation of diagnostic information contained in NaNs, as much of that information as possible should be preserved in NaN results of operations.

6.2.1 NaN encodings in binary formats
All binary NaN bit strings have all the bits of the biased exponent field E set to 1 (see 3.4). A quiet NaN bit string should be encoded with the first bit (d1) of the trailing significand field T being 1. A signaling NaN bit string should be encoded with the first bit of the trailing significand field being 0. If the first bit of the trailing significand field is 0, some other bit of the trailing significand field must be non-zero to distinguish the NaN from infinity. In the preferred encoding just described, a signaling NaN shall be quieted by setting d1 to 1, leaving the remaining bits of T unchanged.

For binary formats, the payload is encoded in the p-2 least significant bits of the trailing significand field.



*2:C/C++言語仕様およびIEC 60559仕様(旧IEC 559)では、2種類のNaN "quiet NaN" と "signaling NaN" を規定している。

*3:厳密には アンダースコア(_)、アルファベット(a-z A-Z)、数値(0-9)の組み合わせが許容される。(C11

*4:仮数部(significand) MSB 2ビットはquiet NaN/signaling Nanの区別に利用するため、以降のビット列がペイロード(payload)となる。

*5:C++17 20.2/p2: "The descriptions of many library functions rely on the C standard library for the semantics of those functions. In some cases, the signatures specified in this International Standard may be different from the signatures in the C standard library, and additional overloads may be declared in this International Standard, but the behavior and the preconditions (including any preconditions implied by the use of an ISO C restrict qualifier) are the same unless otherwise stated."

CUDA同期メモリ転送関数 != 同期動作

CUDAメモリ転送系関数の Async サフィックス有無*1と、実際の同期(synchronous)/非同期(asynchronous)動作は1:1対応しない。Asyncサフィックス無しメモリ転送関数でも、条件によっては非同期動作となる可能性がある

API synchronization behavior
The API provides memcpy/memset functions in both synchronous and asynchronous forms, the latter having an "Async" suffix. This is a misnomer as each function may exhibit synchronous or asynchronous behavior depending on the arguments passed to the function.




In the reference documentation, each memcpy function is categorized as synchronous or asynchronous, corresponding to the definitions below.


  1. All transfers involving Unified Memory regions are fully synchronous with respect to the host.
  2. For transfers from pageable host memory to device memory, a stream sync is performed before the copy is initiated. The function will return once the pageable buffer has been copied to the staging memory for DMA transfer to device memory, but the DMA to final destination may not have completed.
  3. For transfers from pinned host memory to device memory, the function is synchronous with respect to the host.
  4. For transfers from device to either pageable or pinned host memory, the function returns only once the copy has completed.
  5. For transfers from device memory to device memory, no host-side synchronization is performed.
  6. For transfers from any host memory to any host memory, the function is fully synchronous with respect to the host.


  1. For transfers from device memory to pageable host memory, the function will return only once the copy has completed.
  2. For transfers from any host memory to any host memory, the function is fully synchronous with respect to the host.
  3. For all other transfers, the function is fully asynchronous. If pageable memory must first be staged to pinned memory, this will be handled asynchronously with a worker thread.


*1:例:CUDA Runtime API の cudaMemcpy と cudaMemcpyAsync、CUDA Driver API の cuMemcpy と cuMemcpyAsync など。


Hidden Friends

プログラミング言語C++におけるライブラリ設計で「ADL(Argument Dependent Lookup)経由でのみ呼び出し可能な非メンバ関数演算子オーバーロード 定義」を実現するテクニック。

2019-12-03追記:2019年11月会合にて (PDF)P1965R0 が採択され、C++標準規格上の用語(term)として "hidden friends" への言及が明記された。


namespace NS1 {
  struct C { /*...*/ };

  // 非メンバ begin/end 関数
  inline C::iterator begin(C& c) { return c.begin(); }
  inline C::iterator end(C& c) { return c.end(); }
namespace NS2 {
  struct C {
    // "Hidden Friends" begin/end 関数
    friend iterator begin(C& c) { return c.begin(); }
    friend iterator end(C& c) { return c.end(); }

NS1::C c1;
auto b1 = begin(c1);     // OK: ADL経由でNS1::begin関数を見つける
auto e1 = NS1::end(c1);  // OK: 完全修飾名でNS1::end関数を指定

NS2::C c2;
auto b2 = begin(c2);     // OK: ADL経由でNS2::begin関数を見つける
auto e2 = NS2::end(c2);  // NG: 完全修飾名ではNS2::end関数を呼び出せない


LWG3065 よりC++標準ライブラリで実際に問題となったコードを引用する。名前空間std::filesystemの取り込み(using)によりoperator==(const path&, const path&) が導入され、左辺ではコンストラクpath(const wchar_t(&)[N])*1が右辺では変換コンストラクpath(string&&)*2が暗黙に呼び出されることで、文字列比較ではなくパス名(pathname)比較 path(L"a//b") == path("a/b") が行われる*3。この問題は Clang 7.0.0 にて再現確認できた。

#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
#include <filesystem>

using namespace std;
using namespace std::filesystem;

int main() {
  bool b = L"a//b" == std::string("a/b");
  assert(b); // passes. What?!
  return b;

同種の問題は LWG2989 でも報告、標準ライブラリ修正されている。

提案文書(PDF)P1601R0 Recommendations for Specifying "Hidden Friends"より一部引用(下線部は強調)。

When there is no additional, out-of-class/namespace-scope, declaration of the befriended entity, such an entity has become known as a hidden friend of the class granting friendship. Were there such an out-of-class/namespace-scope declaration, the entity would be no longer hidden, as the second declaration would make the name visible to qualified and to unqualified lookup.

There have been recent discussions about employing this hidden friend technique, where applicable, throughout the standard library so that the declared entities (typically operator functions such as the new spaceship operator) would be found via ADL only. Because the library has not previously deliberately restricted lookup in this way, there is no precedent for specifying such a requirement. The remainder of this paper provides specification guidance to proposal authors who intend to impose such a requirement.

C++17 6.4.2/p4,より一部引用(下線部は強調)。

When considering an associated namespace, the lookup is the same as the lookup performed when the associated namespace is used as a qualifier ( except that:

  • Any using-directives in the associated namespace are ignored.
  • Any namespace-scope friend functions or friend function templates declared in associated classes are visible within their respective namespaces even if they are not visible during an ordinary lookup (14.3).
  • All names except those of (possibly overloaded) functions and function templates are ignored.

If a friend declaration in a non-local class first declares a class, function, class template or function template the friend is a member of the innermost enclosing namespace. The friend declaration does not by itself make the name visible to unqualified lookup (6.4.1) or qualified lookup (6.4.3). [Note: The name of the friend will be visible in its namespace if a matching declaration is provided at namespace scope (either before or after the class definition granting friendship). -- end note] If a friend function or function template is called, its name may be found by the name lookup that considers functions from namespaces and classes associated with the types of the function arguments (6.4.2). If the name in a friend declaration is neither qualified nor a template-id and the declaration is a function or an elaborated-type-specifier, the lookup to determine whether the entity has been previously declared shall not consider any scopes outside the innermost enclosing namespace. [Note: The other forms of friend declarations cannot declare a new member of the innermost enclosing namespace and thus follow the usual lookup rules. -- end note] [Example:

// Assume f and g have not yet been declared.
void h(int);
template <class T> void f2(T);
namespace A {
  class X {
    friend void f(X);         // A::f(X) is a friend
    class Y {
      friend void g();        // A::g is a friend
      friend void h(int);     // A::h is a friend
                              // ::h not considered
      friend void f2<>(int);  // ::f2<>(int) is a friend

  // A::f, A::g and A::h are not visible here
  X x;
  void g() { f(x); }       // definition of A::g
  void f(X) { /*...*/ }    // definition of A::f
  void h(int) { /*...*/ }  // definition of A::h
  // A::f, A::g and A::h are visible here and known to be friends

using A::x;

void h() {
  A::X::f(x);    // error: f is not a member of A::X
  A::X::Y::g();  // error: g is not a member of A::X::Y

-- end example]


*1:厳密には template<class Source> path(const Source& source, format fmt = auto_format) テンプレートコンストラクタが選択され(,ベースOSでは未規定(unspecified)なエンコード変換が行われる(

*2:POSIXベースOSでは path::string_type 型は basic_string<char> となり(30.10.8/p5)、厳密には path(string_type&& source, format fmt = auto_format) コンストラクタが選択される(

*3: "Except in a root-name, multiple successive directory-separator characters are considered to be the same as one directory-separator character."