



int f1();
int f2(void);

int (*pf)(void) = f1;  // OK
int (&rf)() = f2;      // OK


int h(int, void);   // NG: void
int g(int, void*);  // OK: void*

N3337 8.3.5/p4, C.1.7より該当箇所を引用。

If the parameter-declaration-clause is empty, the function takes no arguments. The parameter list (void) is equivalent to the empty parameter list. Except for this special case, void shall not be a parameter type (though types derived from void, such as void*, can).

Change: In C++, a function declared with an empty parameter list takes no arguments. In C, an empty parameter list means that the number and type of the function arguments are unknown.

int f(); // means int f(void) in C++
         // int f( unknown ) in C

Rationale: This is to avoid erroneous function calls (i.e., function calls with the wrong number or type of arguments).