


プログラミング言語Rustにおける、オブジェクトデストラクト(Drop)順序についてメモ。[本記事はRust 1.32/Stable準拠]

  • 変数は、その変数宣言順序の逆順。
    • ただし同一パターン内の変数同士では、順序未規定(unspecifined)。
  • 構造体(struct)、タプル、列挙型(enum)のフィールドは、そのフィールド宣言順序の通り。
  • 配列[T; n]Box<[T]>の要素では、インデクス昇順。
    • 可変長配列Vecの要素では、順序未規定(unspecifined)。
  • クロージャにキャプチャされた値は、順序未規定(unspecifined)。


The destructor of a type consists of

  • Calling its std::ops::Drop::drop method, if it has one.
  • Recursively running the destructor of all of its fields.
    • The fields of a struct, tuple or enum variant are dropped in declaration order. *
    • The elements of an array or owned slice are dropped from the first element to the last. *
    • The captured values of a closure are dropped in an unspecified order.
    • Trait objects run the destructor of the underlying type.
    • Other types don't result in any further drops.

* This order was stabilized in RFC 1857.

Variables are dropped in reverse order of declaration. Variables declared in the same pattern drop in an unspecified ordered.


Vec does not currently guarantee the order in which elements are dropped. The order has changed in the past and may change again.
